New Year, New Yard

new-year-resolutions-yardIt’s that time of year when we make (and break) New Year’s Resolutions. Some resolve to lose weight, others to find new job, eat better, go on a vacation – the lists are endless. What about creating New Year’s resolutions for your yard? Do you have major projects that you’d like to get done in 2015? Here are a handful of resolutions we came up with.

1.)    Spend more time in your yard

What’s the point of having a great looking yard if you don’t have the time to enjoy it? There are many ways you can spend time in your yard – cleaning up leaves, spend more time on maintenance, entertaining, or just sitting in a chair with a good book. These are all ways you can spend time in the yard.

2.)    Start a vegetable garden

There is nothing more rewarding than eating food you grew yourself. Yes, it can take quite a bit of work, but when you’re eating a tomato and cucumber salad in August from tomatoes and cucumbers you grew yourself, you won’t be able to brag about how you grew them.

It’s not only rewarding, but also cost effective. Think about how much kale you can grow, instead of spending $2-$3 per bunch at the supermarket. Having a garden is also a great excuse to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.

Should you decide to start a garden, be sure you pick a spot that gets full sun and make sure there’s enough space to grow the plants you want to grow. If you’re not sure where to start, read our blog post about planning your garden in 2015.

3.)    Start & finish that big backyard project

If you’re going to resolve to spend time in your yard, you might have a project (or two) that you want to complete first. That might involve making your backyard a space that you truly want to spend time in. That could involve installing a patio or building a retaining wall. It could be any type of project. Make a commitment to get those projects done this year!

4.)    Install a water feature

Water features are great because they add so much personality to a yard. They can be as large or as small as you want and they don’t have to require a lot of maintenance. They also give your yard a more natural feel and add soothing sounds.

Best Buy In Town offers pond liner and water pumps of various sizes to fit the scope of your project. We have experience and will guide you through the process of installing a water feature. Give us a call today with any questions.

5.)    Decrease your garden footprint

This is probably the most important resolution of all. It’s so important to reduce, reuse and recycle. Here are a few things you can do to reduce your yard’s carbon footprint:

  • Make sure your lawnmower and other equipment is maintained so they’re efficient as possible.
  • Use mulch to cut down on water costs
  • Plant native plants
  • Start your own veggie garden – going back to Resolution #3, growing your own food requires a bit of effort, but you will save on food costs and gas.

Did you know that for over 30 years, Best Buy In Town has utilized green practices? You can read more about that here.
