Due to Covid19 we are OPEN for business with reduced hours Monday to Saturday from 7am to 5pm (yard debris until 4:30pm). This is how we are handling our business: No self loading. YES to You-Haul and Yard Debris Recycling with an OPEN Truck or Trailer only. - use Credit Cards please. Call for Delivery Service. We can also be reached anytime via email at office@bestbuyintown.biz. We will respond to you ASAP. Please be patient with us. Thank you very much! Stay SAFE and ten feet away from everyone please.

Para Español

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Gracias por tu negociay.

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We're proudly serving the entire Portland Metro Area, including the cities of Portland, Beaverton, Cedar Hills, Aloha, Bethany, Hillsboro, Rock Creek and nearby communities.

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(503) 645-6665

(503) 629-5369 (fax)