Due to Covid19 we are OPEN for business with reduced hours Monday to Saturday from 7am to 5pm (yard debris until 4:30pm). This is how we are handling our business: No self loading. YES to You-Haul and Yard Debris Recycling with an OPEN Truck or Trailer only. - use Credit Cards please. Call for Delivery Service. We can also be reached anytime via email at office@bestbuyintown.biz. We will respond to you ASAP. Please be patient with us. Thank you very much! Stay SAFE and ten feet away from everyone please.


Due to the frequent rain of the Portland area, most yards acquire messy, muddy, and slippery areas. Best Buy in Town has the solution. We carry all of the materials necessary for the construction of beautiful patios, pathways, and walkways. BBIT has been paving the way for gorgeous patios for many years. With the best quality and highest value paver stones around, Best Buy Garden Supply has just what you need!

The Best Selection of Pavers in Portland, Oregon

There are many great reasons to use our paving stones in your yard. For one, our particular patio stone is designed so that you can install it “dry-laid.” This means that, unlike many other paver stones, Best Buy Landscape Supply’s paving stones do not require that you use any wet concrete. Another significant advantage of using our paver stones is that, if you make a mistake during the path or patio installation process at any point, it is infinitely easier to remove and replace a stone that has not been set in concrete.

One of the most distinct advantages of using Best Buy in Town’s paver stones is that they are made with ease of use and installation in mind.  For example, they are designed in such a way as to allow you to curve them around corners, trees, landscaping beds, raised garden beds, shrubs, and much more.

We realize that it can seem like a daunting task to install a patio.  That is why our friendly and knowledgeable staff will gladly give you the necessary instructions for this rewarding yard project.  With years of experience and know-how, BBIT’s staff is happy to assist you in any way possible—talking you through your specific project, desires, and logistical installation and preparation questions.  Let Best Buy Landscape Supply provide you with the best buy in town on paver stones!

The most common uses of our Paver Stone include:

  • Patios
  • Pathways
  • Walkways
  • Steps
  • Fire Pits

Available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and styles, Best Buy In Town Landscape Supply’s patio bricks are rugged, adaptable, and very easy to work with.
